Protect, Promote, and Preserve

Local Protected Areas

What is a local protected area?

A local protected area is defined as an “identified portions of land and/or water set aside for their unique physical and biological diversity and protected from destructive human exploitation”. Protected areas are vital in the survival of species on this planet. Without biodiversity, we simply wouldn’t survive, that is why it’s important to be educated and know about the importance and benefits of local protected areas in our lives.


The examples of areas considered as a local protected area include:  (a) Natural Park; (b) Natural Monument; (c) National Park; (d) Wildlife Sanctuary; (e) Protected Landscape/Seascape; (f) Resource Reserve; (g) Natural Biotic Area; (h) Marine Reserve; (i) Managed Resource Protected Area; (j) Game Refuge and Bird/Fish Sanctuary; (k) Watershed Forest Reserve; (l) Watershed Reservation; (m) Wilderness Area; (n) Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve; and (o) Other Categories established by law, conventions or international agreements which the Philippine Government is a signatory.

What is the importance of Local Protected Areas?


Protect Biodiversity 

Due to mass extinction, it is important that we preserve species and protect them from destructive human activities. Local Protected Areas provide protection and a safe habitat for these species nearing extinction. In this way, species can thrive and survive without the harmful activities of humans.


Provides Communities With Economic Opportunities

Nearby communities around can benefit from a local protected area. Many of these local protected areas are turned into tourist attractions which brings revenue to the economy of the community. Community members can also find jobs in local protected areas or in the industry that supports eco-tourism.

Secured Food and Water Resources

Humans rely on food and water to survive. Protected areas safeguard these resources by ensuring that there is enough for everyone. Natural resources can grow abundantly in an isolated place where people can’t access them. 


Fight Against Climate Change

The Earth’s forests and oceans are store excess carbon dioxide and regulate the Earth’s temperature. If these are destroyed, it would result in an unpredictable climate condition, and the world that we live in would be more susceptible to disasters.

What Can We Do?

Science and Education play a role in the conservation of biodiversity. If more people are more educated and informed, the more they will want to be involved. More education and research will increase our capability to preserve and protect our biodiversity. It doesn’t mean that we need more biologists to solve this problem; all we need is more people that can educate people and convince them to engage in activities and programs dedicated to environmental conservation. We have to take actions before our world gives up on us. We have to recognize that our environment needs protection before it’s too late.

Swing Along With Me- A Tech Review

Technology has been bringing us the ultimate convenience that we need in life. There are things that we didn’t expect that could possibly exist. Whoever thought of incorporating a music player to an electric fan is brilliant. Here’s another technological product that we never thought we’d need.

QR Code: A Portal to Another Site

Roselle’s WordPress Blog Site

Roselle’s wordpress blog site contains all her thoughts, ideas and experiences in using technology. If you want to read about it, scan the QR code provided below.

My Favorite Music Video in Youtube

Mrs. Potato Head is a song by Melanie Martinez in her album Crybaby. This song is one of my favorite tracks in her album because the lyrics are quite relatable and meaningful. The song is all about a girl who struggles to be a perfect girl in the eyes of the society so she did everything to look perfect. Check this out with the QR code below.

Reddit NoSleep

“Nosleep is a subreddit for realistic horror stories. Everything is true here, even if it’s not.” If you’re into weird and creepy fictional stories, this is the perfect site for you. if you’re interested, you can scan the QR code below.

The Duality of Social Media

Just like money, social media is not always the root of all evils. If used properly, it can give a person the benefits and advantages that one can utilize for their own growth and development. Social media helped me create my own little world where I could be whatever I want to be. Expressing one self has never been easy but with the help of social media, you can always create that someone that has always been a part of you. Social media can also give you the validation that everyone is craving for. It gives you that little satisfaction when you get some positive feedback about something that you’ve done (e.g. won a contest, graduated, got a promotion, and many more). It’s nice to hear some compliments and praises from people who appreciates you and it encourages us to keep doing the good things we are currently doing. In social media, you can always ask for questions from other people who have experience or knowledge about a certain topic that you are asking. You can learn useful things that can be applicable to your life.

Social media could also pose negative effects to the users. People can be addicted to using it and they can be unproductive. In just one click away, one post can destroy a person’s life. It can affect a person’s self-esteem and it can either build it up or completely ruin it. And also, in social media, you can freely express your opinions to anything. Nowadays, people abuse that freedom and would comment negative messages to posts that results to arguments and misunderstandings.

As a social media user, I personally commit myself to three things on the responsible use of social media. First, to have atleast one day without going through my social media accounts. Second, I will not use my phone to check my social media accounts whenever there is an occassion or when my me and my friends meet. And lastly, I will never impulsively post when angry, sad or any emotion that overwhelms me because it can be used against me for whatever reason.

Let us always remember that when we post on the internet, it stays on the internet.

Utilizing The Fruit Of Technology

Internet services allows us to access information from the internet. As a student, I use the internet all the time to communicate, research for information, and to look at the news to be aware about what is happening in our surroundings. Here are some of the internet services that I use:

  1. Communication Services

Internet enables us to connect and communicate with our friends and family through chatting, voice calls, and even video calls. It allows us to build and keep up relationships even in distant places. The disadvantage of using internet in communication is that misunderstanding can easily arise because one person might have a different interpretation of the message that the sender wants to convey.

2. Information

The internet is a collection of information. In just one click, you can get thousands, and even millions of data that you can use. However, there is an underlying risk in using internet for this kind of internet service. You can get false information because not everything that you see in the internet is a credible source.

3. Entertainment

Internet service also provides entertainment for bored individuals. You can find a lot of varieties to kill your boredom such as videos, memes, games, music and many more. There are many sites where you can find these and it can be easily accessed as long as you have internet connection. Spending too much time on the internet for entertainment can also make one unproductive and some people tend to ignore their chores and work because they want to have fun all day long.

There are many things that the internet can provide to us. We just have to be responsible about the things that we might encounter when using it and we should face the consequences of our actions. Always remember to think before you click!

First Encounter

It was big.

It was heavy.

It has everything you need.

I present to you my first ever computer, an HP laptop to be precise. It was year 2011 when I first laid my hands on the laptop that my uncle gave me. To have this kind of technological device was a priceless moment to a child who grew up with nothing. As a child, I was always excited about having new things and the laptop was not an exception. Games such as Bookworm, Hang-a-roo, and many more were already installed in it. It was used and a little bit old so there were some problems that I encountered. I was so excited and amazed when I got it so I didn’t mind the issues that comes with it. It was fun, or so I thought.

The laptop gave me a couple of headaches. In the middle of playing some games, it would crash down and you are lucky enough if the game saved your progress. If not, then you have to start again from the very beginning. Frustration, annoyance, and disappointment were all over my body. There were times where I would smash it, pound it, and punch it when it got so laggy. I guess that experience was one of the circumstances that gave me some anger issues.

Looking into the brighter side, it taught me how to patiently wait when you’re really eager to achieve something, play games for example. As curious as a child would be, I explored it’s functions although I didn’t understand how it worked. It was very helpful for me when I reached highschool. It was not a very nice experience but it will always be one of my most memorable experiences with a computer.